Helping people enjoy life on earth
Life is too short to not feel great
Life is too short to not wake up every day feeling great. For almost 30 years Michael Jansson has dedicated his life to make sure people feel as good as possible and perform their best when it matters. The clientel ranges from top olympic athlets, hard working parents and bussines owners to seniors who wants to get more out of life.
Helping busy people feel great
Life can often be stressful, chaotic and sometimes even scary. Sadly, there is often not much that you can do about that. However, waking up every morning with a strong body that feels great to live in will make the journey easier. Michael Specializes in helping busy people feel great so that they can live the life on earth to its fullest.
About Michael
For almost 30 years, Michael has dedicated his life to helping people feel great and perform their best. He works with everyone who wants to feel great and perform their best, but has since working with the Swedish Cross-contry ski champions in team Mekonomen also continued to help top athlets perform their best when it matters. Michael is born in Sweden but currently resides in Oslo.
Struggling with pain?
Do you struggle with pain or just want to improve your performance and overall well-being? Fill out the form and I will contact you as soon as possible.
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